
A Few Minor Adjustments

I went to the Chiropractor today to have a my back checked out. I've heard so much recently about the naturalistic approach Chiropractor's take when they assess and treat issues like mine. For those of you who are unlearned in the history of my back here's a little background.

At the barely pubescent age of 17, an eager and hard-working Dan was going about his day at the Bill Miller Bar-B-Que where he worked after school and on weekends to buy more Girbaud jeans and Nike Force basketball shoes. But as fate would have it, a long day of squeezing me for every ounce of energy and resiliency I had, came to an abrupt end that night. As is customary at closing time at Billy Miller's, large numbers of trays must be washed and restocked at the front serving line (I did this so many times that thinking of it now seems like it was just yesterday). Just as I was bending down to lay a huge stack of trays in the under-cubby (it's a word) something in my back said, "oh no you didn't."

Excruciating pain ensued. I was significantly hobbled for a few days. As time went on my back ached here and there. With the worse times being when I was 25 pounds heavier and blatantly sedentary. This caused my back to "pop out of whack" at the slightest twist or twinge. Well I lost a few pounds and started being a little more active, which has eliminated the worse of the problems. These days I am just a little sore and a little stiff when I sit for too long (not that kind of stiff...well sometimes that kind).

Anyway, fashback to the present day where an X-ray confirmed an X-ray I had a few years ago, that shows I have a fairly significant degeneration of the a disc in my lower back. This means aches and pain in my back from now on. The Chiropractor thinks I can positively effect the symptoms by eliminating the causes of the flair ups. Either way there is no getting around the fact that I will need consistent treatment of some kind. Bonuses would be losing more weight and staying active.

The funniest part of the visit was the crackle and pop my neck and my back made as he worked me over. I do have to admit feeling looser and more agile than I have in a long time. I am still a bit skeptical about what the Chiropractor could actually do for my condition, but it may be worth a few more visits to completely make up my mind.

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