
Back in SA

Well I finally found a moment to sit down and blog about the journey from Iowa City to San Antonio. I guess if I had to sum up the whole experience the two words I would choose would be family and rain. My final week in IC began with the arrival of my mom and brother. I showed them around the IC and we ate the Wig & Penn, The Edge, and The Vine to name a few places.

Next came Tee's graduation which was highlighted by the presence of the famous undersized longshot that made the Notre Dame team, Rudy. Apparently, his cousin was in Tee's graduation class, so after the ceremony I managed to grab a picture with him. He was a really down to earth guy. He was also still a very strong guy as I found out when shook his hand. Tee's family was in town for the graduation and it was the first time my family had met any of her family. It was a momentous occassion indeed, Soutwest meets Midwest. It went well.

Next came the final push to fill the Uhaul. With the help of both families we got the apartment cleared and the Uhaul completely filled. Then the rain started. On Friday morning, the rain began. We had to check out of the apartment and hit the road. While running in the downpour from the apartment to the car, Tee dropped one of our apartment keys. Although she didn' t realize it until we got to the apartment office to turn them in. Hurriedly, we went back to the apartment where after a short search of the parking lot Tee spotted the key in washing away in the a small stream of rainwater traveling along the ground.

We finally got on the road at about 1030am that Friday. The rain kept up for practically the entire 1200 mile trip. We drove through a tornado watch the entire way through Kansas. There was hail and heavy gusts that pushed the Uhaul toward the side of the rode several times. I was very happy that my brother drove the entire the way. He loved it and I was so glad he was there. By the end of the trip the rain had added just about 4 hours to the trip.

We made it in one piece and we got to spend some "quality time" with each other and it's true when they say it isn't all about the destination...sometimes it's about the journey as well. Here are some pics from the trip.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could have been there to say goodbye! If you are ever in the KC area give me a call!
