
It's Been Awhile...

So it's been awhile since my last entry. The main reason for my absence has been a general lack in things to report, especially in the area of employment. I had hoped to begin blogging again with an announcement of a great job, but no such luck.

Even though things happened that were well worthy of a blog, I still held out for new employment news. Now I say to hell with it. I'll find a job when I find a job and not one second sooner. Also, I have been toying with the idea of going back to school for something completely different than anything I had thought about before. But I don't want let the cat out of the bag until I actually enroll in school. So stay tuned for that news flash.

In other news, Tee has successfully fulfilled her requirements and is now officially a full-fledged Pharmacist. She works full-time now and at a store within 5 minutes from our home. It really worked out great. I couldn't be more proud and just so she never forgets...I never doubted her for one second.

Also, I have been chosen as the best man for my college roommate's wedding. And I am very honored to be chosen as "that guy.' And my personal views about marriage and religion aside, the groom is my friend and I respect the fact that this event is his and his fiance's way of expressing their committment to each other. And I can totally get with that program.

Hopefully, it won't be another two months until my next blog.

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