
I want to do it, but can I do it?

Hey people, been mulling over a new venture on my road to self-expression. I've been thinking about creating a podcast as an extension of the "DansReality"concept. Social Media and blogging just ain't cutting it anymore, as the ungrammatical would say. I really want the Podcast to share a vision of my jack-assery while pointing out the absurdity of everyday life for me and what I suspect are countless others like me.

After all, in polite society not enough exposure is given to that group of people who just stand in the doorway chit-chatting while everyone else has to walk around them. Or how about the parent at the grocery store who is far too busy talking about how much she over-drank last night to notice her kid just ate a cracker off the floor.

There are also a lot of people who don't know about the unique joys of being a resident of a city like San Antonio. They don't know the simple pleasures of being a mixed-race couple, or being a Stay-Home Dad in a very patriarchal culture. And just to round things out who wouldn't have something to say about the religious, political, and social issues occurring?

Of course, I have a lot to say and to share on these and many more topics.  Of course the purpose would be for me to gripe about bullshit, spread the inspiring and informative through my own experiences and viewpoint, but I hope to do so in a semi-entertaining way. And who knows, perhaps I can draw a big enough crowd that I can interview some interesting people with something to share too. So don't be surprised if at some point in the near future, you hear or even see a DansReality Podcast.

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